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How to read your Russian Visa

Russian Visa EZ read instructions:

Notice: When you receive your Russian Visa from the Consulate of Russia you will need to use this Russian Visa EZ read photo reference guide to assist you in verifying that your Russian Visa has the correct dates that will allow you to enter Russia per your schedule. It is important that you check the Item # 4 Valid of entry. Our company is NOT RESPONSIBLE for mistakes made by the Russian Consulate. Be assured we will assist you in all and any manner possible to work with the Russian Consulate to correct any possible inaccuracy.

How to read your Russian Visa

1. Entries: ( Number of visits to Russia)
Îäíîêðàòíàÿ - Single entry
Äâóêðàòíàÿ - Double entry
Ìíîãîêðàòíàÿ - Multiple entry

2. Date of issue:
day . month . year

3. Nationality:

4. Valid for entry to Russia from/till:

5. Type of visa to Russia (based on the invitation approved by Russian Consulate)
Internal coding

6. Surname (Last name), Given names (First Name)
In Russian alphabet / In English alphabet

7. Applicant's date of birth

8. Sex
ÌÓÆ - Male
ÆÅÍ - Female

9. Passport number

10. Russia Consulate visa identification number
Russian Embassy Internal information

11. Russian visa invitation number
Business visas only - left blank for Tourist visas to Russia

12. Purpose of Entry
ÒÓÐÈÇÌ - Tourism

13. Inviting party Reference and Group #
Reference Number for Official Registration Organization

14. Additional information

Questions? Call 1-602-553-8178, ext 208 between 9am 5pm MST, Monday through Friday.

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