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Miss Colombia 2010 Bikini Event

A Stunning Parade of Gorgeous Latin Women

The Miss Colombia pageant held every year in Cartagena, Colombia is not only one of the most renowned beauty pageants in South America - but in the entire world. Some of the festivals and pageant events draw up to 250,000 people! Each year, you have the opportunity to join our annual "Miss Colombia" tour to Cartagena and it's something you won't want to miss! This video, taken by our own video cameras, will make it very clear why. The 2010 Miss Colombia Bikini Competion. A seemingly endless parade of some of the most stunning women in the entire world give you a small sample of what YOU can find for yourself during your Cartegena tour!

Video Duration: (6:37)        Added Here: December, 2010        Media Center Main Index >>>
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